Once the green beans are cleaned, dry them off with paper towel -
it is important to remove the access water to avoid the oil from
Pre-heat a skillet on medium heat, preferably a non-stick skillet or
wok with thick bottom to maintain heat.
Add the olive into the skillet (covering bottom of skillet) and heat the
oil until the oil just starts to smoke.
Once smoke appears, immediately put the beans in the skillet.
Sprinkle all of the Cajun Blend Seasoning on the green beans and
stir fry (sauté’) (see image 2).
Stir Fry (sauté’) the vegetable for 5-10 minutes until they are slightly
tender (in the event the mixture becomes too dry during this
process, you can add a ¼ cup of water).
Once cooked, remove the green beans and you can sprinkle some
more Cajun Blend seasoning and salt to taste.
This is a quick, healthy way to eat vegetables and this same recipe can be
used with other fresh vegetables.
Serves 2-3 people and just adjust recipe for more servings.